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Sixth International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Stockholm-Helsinki, June 2000 Liquidus Surface of Newly Defined "Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slag" and its Metallurgical Implications
Akira Yazawa 1 ; Florian Kongoli 2 ;
1Tohoku University, 16-32, Niizaka, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 981-0934 JAPAN
2FLOGEN Technologies Inc,1255 Laird Blvd., Ste.388, Mont-Royal, Quebec, Canada

Keywords : Phase diagrams, slags, thermodynamics, modeling, solution, non-ferrous, pyrometallyrgy, Al2O3, MgO, CaO,. FeO, Fe2O3, smelting and converting, multicomponent systems, minor components, ferrous calcium silicate slag


Ferrous calcium silicate (FCS) slag is defined as a new slag consisting of FeOx, CaO and SiO2 with a nominal composition near the di-calcium silicate surface. This slag is expected to solve the drawbacks of the "fayalite" and ferrite slags. However, the detailed knowledge of the liquidus surface of this new slag is not available in literature. Based on the authors' preceding article, the available liquid region of FCS slag is confirmed under relevant oxygen potentials along with the effect of minor oxides. The liquidus temperature is lowered by dissolution of copper oxide, and thus, FCS slag seems to be useful especially in the converting and direct smelting of copper. The obtained knowledge must also be useful for various metallurgical processes.

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