This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of Prof. Derek Fray. Professor Fray is a well
known figure for his deeply impact in materials extraction and processing world, especially for developing sustainable new technologies. He is author of almost 400 scientific papers and inventor
on approximately 179 patents arising from 62 families of patents. He is Fellow of some of the most prestigious professional societies around the world.
Throughout his career his activity has impacted various fields such as non-ferrous, ferrous and nano-scale materials processing; many processing routes
including pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, chemical vapor synthesis and processing, recycling; and several investigation techniques such as experimental
measurements and physical modeling and simulation. Reflecting this rich activity the scope of this symposium will be based in the equally important three
topical areas: principles, technologies and industrial practice with special emphasis to a globally sought clean environment of 21 century. It will include
but it is not limited to, non-ferrous metal extraction, processing and sulfide smelting (including light metals, PMG and Ferro alloys); iron and steel
production; mineral processing; chemical and metallurgical process reactors; refractory materials; recycling, waste treatment, soil remediation and
biotechnologies; chemistry of power and energy generation; composite, hybrid, polymeric, ceramic materials and nanomaterials; value addition and advanced
materials; legal and management, and environmental related issues.
You are kindly invited to participate, and we are looking forward to meeting you in Cancun, Mexico, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Dr. Florian Kongoli Symposium Chair Flogen Technologies Inc.