2011 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
  logo Fray International Symposium
  27 Nov - 01 Dec 2011, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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7-Volume package PDF Letter 9.5Mo Contents
Volume 1 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume 2 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume 3 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume 4 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume 5 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume 6 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
Volume7 PDF Letter 570ko Contents
All Volume PDF Letter 9.5Mo Contents
Call For Papers JPG 900 X 1200 486kb Low resolution
Call For Papers PNG 900 X 1200 2 Mb High resolution
Call For Papers PDF(Zip) 300dpi 44 Mb Letter (High resolution)
Call For Papers PDF(Zip) 600dpi 80 Mb A4 (High resolution)
Call For Papers PDF(Zip) 1200dpi 200Mb High resolution
Brochure JPG 900 X 1400 515kb Low resolution
Brochure PDF(Zip) 1200dpi 85Mb High resolution
Fray Symposium Banner GIF 680 x 150 54kb
Fray Symposium Banner PNG 680 x 150 182kb
Third Notice PNG 1034 X 743 1,6Mb A5
Small Banner PNG 200 X 250 19kb
Fray Logo JPEG 660 x 140 43kb
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Saturday 27 July 2024
Max: -18°C Day Night
Min: -18°C
Sunday 28 July 2024
Max: -18°C Day Night
Min: -18°C

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